Thoughts on Alpha Males

The expression “alpha male” became a big buzzword some years ago, and I still see it being used a lot nowadays. Lately, I saw a couple of youtube videos about the subject, and it made me realize that it’s a topic I should address. So let’s talk about it. Being an alpha male: what does it mean? Should you worry about being one? All will be answered.

First of all, what exactly is meant by being an alpha male? Well, that’s a good question, and I don’t know if there’s any concrete definition. There probably is amongst certain circles, but I think, on the surface, it’s just sort of a buzzword. Of course, the idea comes from zoology, in which certain species of animals have packs or groups dominated by a single, powerful male, who gets to breed with all of the other females. . . . Or something like that. I’m not a biologist, and I think there might be some technical inaccuracies, but I believe that’s the general gist. So in human society, then, an alpha male is basically a guy who’s strong—not necessarily physically, mind you, but perhaps in his personality or charisma—and who, by this grace, succeeds in garnering a large amount of success, money, women, or any combination of those resources.

For me, a prime example of an alpha male is Donald Trump. Now, whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit that the man is successful. Initially a businessman with a reputation for being shrewd and merciless, he later took the U.S. presidency by surpise and, in spite of having a plethora of critics, makes no apologies (well, except to Russia), does what he wants to do, and comes out on top.

Is Trump a good person to emulate? Well, it depends who you ask, and also who’s doing the emulating. But more on that later. We’re just talking about examples for now.

So, the next question is: does the concept of the alpha male apply to human society? Well, experts seem divided on that. The idea itself is highly marketable. Imagine it: you’re a socially awkward guy who has trouble meeting girls. Someone comes along and tells you that there are alpha males and beta males, that you’re currently a beta male, and that to meet girls you have to learn to become an alpha male . . . which they’ll tell you how to do if you buy their book. But in real life, the concept is much more gray. Yes, humans are animals, and a lot of norms and traditions come from a sort of animalistic, tribal mindset, but at the same time, it’s our differences from typical animals, such as altruism, and our ability to forge alliances with others rather than just focusing on killing and eating, that has made us as successful as we are. So what might apply in the animal kingdom (and some experts will even tell you that even in the animal kingdom the idea of an alpha male isn’t as universal or true as some people believe, citation needed) might not necessarily apply to us.

Take a moment and think about some of the most famous men in the world. Beyond Trump. You have people like Napolean, Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Jesus, Einstein, Picasso, and more. Now take a look at at that random list I just made. Some of them definitely fit the definition of alpha males. But some of them don’t! Why, the person responsible for creating one of the world’s most influential religions rode on a donkey, and let his enemies kill him! Certainly not alpha male material. So, it seems that, while the alpha male mindset does have its advantages, it is only one of several possible paths to success.

Nowadays, you sometimes get groups of guys who’ll sort of fancy themselves a sort of “alpha male” club. Maybe they subscribe to subreddits about it. Maybe they even go to monthly men’s gatherings. That sort of thing. Well, to me, it’s always seemed like, if you have to go around telling people you’re an alpha male . . . you’re probably not. To me, it’s always seemed like someone who’s truly an alpha male (whatever it means), doesn’t go around telling it to people, or learning how to be one. He just does his own thing. To me, it seems like some people are just naturally born with it. And if you aren’t . . . I don’t want to say it’s impossible to change your own nature, but it’s going to be pretty tough. That’s the bad news. The good news, though is that . . . well, see the above paragraph. There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and if you think you’re not a natural alpha male, don’t fret: you just need to find your own path to success.

With that being said, there are some very valuable lessons to be had from the alpha male mindset. Hey, even Jesus had that moment where he totally went sickhouse in the temple, and started overturning tables and whipping people . . . and kicking out pigeon sellers for some reason . . . Anyway, the alpha male mindset tells us that we have to be dynamic, go out there and get what we want, and not to take any crap from people who give us a hard time. This is a good lesson to take to heart. So keep it in mind, but don’t worry if it doesn’t make you exactly like Snake Plissken.

So: are you an alpha male or a beta male? Do such things really exist? And if so, do they really matter? I’d say you don’t need to concern yourself with the details. Instead of asking yourself if you’re alpha or beta, what you really need to ask yourself is: “Am I happy and successful operating with my current social methods?” If the answer is “yes,” then keep doing what you’re doing. If the answer is “ehhh,” or “hell no, somebody help me!” then you should figure out a system of personal improvement that works for your personality style, not that of Donald Trump’s. But that, of course, can sometimes be a lifelong journey, and hopefully this blog will have some tips to you help you on that journey. Like this article. Whoa . . . it’s like article Inception! Like looking in mirror with a mirror behind you! Anyway, that’s all for now. Hope that helps.

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I'm a guy who grew up with great parents who were terrible at giving advice. Everything I learned about being a man, I learned the hard way. I write articles so you can learn it the easy way.

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